I Joined Twitter... Sigh.

September 19 was a dark day for me… but one that I feared would come soon enough.

I joined Twitter.

This is after years and years of publicly campaigning against it in articles such as "The Problem of Pride in the Age of Twitter" and "Short Attention Span Faith." 

And now I am a part of the monster, feeding it like everyone else…

Here's why I did it:

1)  September 19th is my annual “sell out to technology” day. Last year I joined Facebook on Sept. 19. 2)  I might as well try it before I knock it even more. 3)  I have a book to promote.

I still think it's silly and quite possibly a sign of the apocalypse, but hey, so are a lot of things.

If you want to "follow me" (is that the phrase?) on Twitter, here's my url: http://twitter.com/brettmccracken

Things I will tweet include book updates, article links, random thoughts, and other worthwhile things that are under 140 characters. I promise I won't inundate you with what I'm having for dinner or when I'm feeling sleepy or bored.

If I do, feel free to un-follow me (or whatever you call that). I'll completely understand.