Holy Week Playlist

I don't really listen to contemporary Christian music, but I LOVE hymns and older Christian spirituals. And during Lent and especially during Holy Week, I've been retuning to these sacred songs--some old, some new--that speak of Christ's passion and our hope. I've compiled a playlist of some of my favorites this year, most of which can be purchased on iTunes.

They are songs that are getting a lot of play during this Holy Week for me, and I highly recommend them:

  1. “In the Garden,” Johnny Cash
  2. “Hard Times,” Bifrost Arts feat. David Bazan
  3. “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing,” Sufjan Stevens
  4. “Just a Closer Walk With Thee,” Bifrost Arts feat. Damien Jurado and Rosie Thomas
  5. “Up On a Mountain,” The Welcome Wagon
  6. “Holy, Holy, Holy,” Sufjan Stevens
  7. “How Deep the Father’s Love,” E-Pop
  8. “Deep Were His Wounds, And Red,” The Welcome Wagon
  9. “Amazing Grace,” Sufjan Stevens
  10. “It Is Finished,” Bifrost Arts feat. Trent Dabbs, Kate York, Leigh Nash and Kevin Bevil
  11. “There Is a Fountain Filled With Blood,” The Welcome Wagon
  12. “All Creatures of Our God And King,” Patty Griffin
  13. “In Christ Alone,” Bethany Dillon
  14. “Jesus the Lord My Savior Is,” Sandra McCracken
  15. “Prayer of Saint Francis,” Denison Witmer
  16. “My Jesus I Love Thee,” The Mars Hillbillies
  17. “May the Mind of Christ My Savior,” Josh Bales
  18. “Be Thou My Vision,” Pedro the Lion
  19. “Never Grow Old,” Patty Griffin and Buddy Miller
  20. “Jesus Was a Crossmaker,” Rachael Yamagata
  21. “Little Blue River / In the Garden,” Over the Rhine